Thursday, March 12, 2020

Ellyday Essays

Ellyday Essays Ellyday Essay Ellyday Essay The one is called Eely and the other girl name is Sophie. Its all starts one Sunday morning and it is nearly Christmas time. Sophie walks into Ells room and notice that Eely is very nervous and cant speak normally and also looks physically weak. Then Sophie says to Eely that she knows, but Eely pretends that she doesnt know want Sophie is talking about. Sophie tries to get Eely to sit down on the sofa with her, but Eely ignores it and starts looking at her CDC instead. She can see that Ells hands are shaking. Then Sophie asks Eely to pull up her Jumper. Sophie says to Eely that she knows that she hasnt been eating for a long while now. But Eely says to Sophie that she Is Just Jealous, because she Is skinner then Sophie. Eely begins to cry and sits on the floor. Eely asks Sophie when Is It okay to die. And Sophie doesnt know what to say to that, she Is choked over Ells behavior. Eely pulls up her Jumper and the story ends. 2) Characterize of Eely and Sophie. Eely Is about 16 years old and properly still live by her parents, as a single child. We dont hear anything about her family and I dont think the mother and father take a big interest in her live. Eely has anorexia but she will not allow her self to see that. She is very skinny, pale and almost looks like a match. She is talking about, when it is okay to die with Sophie and that must be a sign of suicidal tendencies, I think. She feels like nobody in the world understands her, because they cant see that she is to fat from her point of view. Sophie We dont hear so much about Sophie in the story, other then that she wants to help her friend with her problem. She several times tries to connect with Eely, but without any luck. She sounds like a nice, considerate, loving friend for Alley. But maybe Sophie really deep down dont know, Eely as good as she think she does. Meaninglessly: Allayed by Martin The short story Allayed is about the feeling of inferiority due to physical abnormality, and how this conveys itself in a relationship between two female friends. The story begins right on, without an introduction. One senses that the situation, which takes place between two girls in one of their rooms, is awkward and that a conflict is waiting ahead. One of them is the accuser, and the other one the accused. The two of them are friends, Sophie (the accuser) is nervous on behalf of Ells (the accused) health condition, and wants to convince her to stop loosing weight. It Is described how Eely, supposedly due to her condition, is having trouble doing elementary things such as seeing and talking, as If her blood Isnt able to run through her body. The author is letting the reader know that Sophie Is sincere, and In good will, when making this confrontation. Eely, however, Is convinced that she Is doing It out of sheer Jealousy, because of the way their roles are now changed. Earlier Eely had been the fat one, and Sophie the skinny one. Eely seems to have a damaged reception of her surroundings, specifically the meaning and value of physical Ideals. Her former overweight had such a negative Impact on her self-confidence, that she developed self-destructive behavior. Her perception of looks has nothing to do with feeling well (or to a certain degree, It seems, even looking beautiful), but exclusively with belong thin, in a directly obsessed way. Being In a condition which some people (and seemingly society in general) would define as physical sickness, leads in her case to an actual Lasses, a mental Lassoer AT some Kina (broadly allele an dating disorder). In the end, Eely asks Sophie When is it okay to die? , and whether it would be k to die without having tried the things she think her looks had previously prevented her from trying, such as kissing a boy or being loved. What this shortstops embodies, is the way the negative effects of suppressing fat people (and looks not sticking to the common ideals in general) are likely to be of greater danger than the disorder itself. In Ells case, it even provokes mental disorders which leads to physical problems in opposite proportions to her former condition. The very idea of unconditionally) considering obesity a disease, might as well be influenced by various industries, than by objective scientific investigations. An example very alike, is described in the article Beauty and the breast printed in Ms. Magazine. It gives a preliminary outline of the history of the breast implants, and depicts the way American society of Plastic and reconstructive surgeons in the skies decreed that having small breasts was a sickness. A perfect example showing that beauty is a subjective measurement, and that overweight isnt necessarily a physical problem, is n article by Jeffrey Kluges called can you be fat and healthy? . It depicts the story of 50 year old Kelly bliss who is officially in healthier physical conditions than most slim people, despite the fact that with her nearly 200 pounds, she would actually be categorized obese. Mentally, Kelly is obviously very happy about the way she looks, and apparently her weight doesnt prevent her from doing what she wants to do either. Im guessing that the 30% of the American population who is considered obese according to the article, maybe isnt as comfortable with their condition as Kelly is. Of course one can say that everyone should be happy with the way they look, but, whether it is only the case in our western world, or also among other cultures I dont know, it seems to be inconsistent with human nature. I think its safe to say, that in the same way our society transforms each individual into a product, the importance of being able to sell oneself on the basis of appearance, is increasing. Therefore it takes increasingly more willpower to stand against the broadly accepted ideals, and to believe that you can compete with others while not exactly fulfilling the demands given by these ideals.

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