Friday, August 28, 2020
Requisitos para viajar o emigrar a Puerto Rico
Requisitos para viajar o emigrar a Puerto Rico Para viajar o emigrar a Puerto Rico aplican las mismas leyes que para hacerlo an Estados Unidos. Esto es asã porque es un territorio que forma parte de la Commonwealth de ese paã s, aunque no es uno de los 50 estados que conforman la uniã ³n americana.â Este artã culo informa sobre el importante asunto de la ciudadanã a History of the U.S y los puertorriqueã ±os, las consecuencias migratorias derivadas del estatus particular de Puerto Rico, las reglas para viajar a la isla y, finalmente, se hace referencia an otros territorios con estatus comparable al de Puerto Rico. à ¿Sabà a usted? Puerto Rico es un Territorio Libre Asociado de Estados Unidos, conocido como region. Las leyes migratorias de la isla child exactamente las mismas que las de Estados Unidos, tanto para migrantes como para visitantes. Ciudadanã a estadounidense y Puerto Rico Desde su nacimiento, los puertorriqueã ±os tienen pasaporte de los Estados Unidos. Es asã en virtud de la Ley Jones-Shafroth, del 2 de marzo de 1917, que reconoce a los puertorriqueã ±os la ciudadanã a History of the U.S al mismo tiempo que reconoce que tambiã ©n poseen la ciudadanã a puertorriqueã ±a. La excepciã ³n es para aquellas personas - muy pocas-que deciden renunciar a la primera y quedarse sã ³lo con la segunda. La ley permitiã ³ que quien asã lo desease podã a renunciar a la ciudadanã a History of the U.S y conservar sã ³lo la puertorriqueã ±a ya que, como se ha reconocido en varias ocasiones, ambas nacionalidades child diferentes y separadas.à En 1917 menos de 300 personas decidieron conservar sã ³lo la ciudadanã a de la isla. Pero debido al estatus particular de Puerto Rico, los puertorriqueã ±os no votan en las elecciones presidenciales de Estados Unidos ni tienen representaciã ³n de senador ni representante con voto en el Congreso de los Estados Unidos. Sin ban, tasks los puertorriqueã ±os que residen habitualmente en uno de los 50 estados de la uniã ³n, sã pueden hacerlo. Consecuencias migratorias del estatus particular de Puerto Rico Las leyes migratorias de Puerto Rico child, en realidad, las leyes migratorias de Estados Unidos, no roughage otras. Esto tiene las siguientes consecuencias: En preliminary lugar, para emigrar a Puerto Rico roughage que seguir uno de los 29 caminos abiertos para emigrar (green card) an Estados Unidos. Exactamente los mismos. En segundo lugar, como los puertorriqueã ±os child ciudadanos, losâ puertorriqueã ±os pueden pedir a sus esposos extranjeros o a sus novios, tanto si residen en la isla como si viven en uno de los 50 estados de la uniã ³n Yankee folklore o, incluso, en otros territorios, como Samoa, las Islas Vã rgenes Americanas o Guam. En tercer lugar, para viajar como turista o con cualquier tipo de visa no inmigrante a Puerto Rico aplican exactamente las mismas leyes que para Estados Unidos. Absolutamente no feed ninguna diferencia y no es ms fcil que aprueben las visas si el destino es Puerto Rico. Es exactamente igual pedirla cuando el destino es San Juan o cuando es Miami o Nueva York. Viajar a Puerto Rico Las reglas para viajar a Puerto Rico dependen del lugar y, en algunos casos, de la situaciã ³n migratoria de la persona que desea ir a la isla. Asã , en el caso de ser turistas extranjeros que se encuentran fuera de EE.UU., si pertenecen an un paã s del Programa de Exenciã ³n de Visas pueden viajar sin visado por un plazo mximo de 90 dã as, pero es necesaria la ESTA si se llega por aviã ³n. En los dems casos es necesario solicitar una visa de turista standard y acudir a la entrevista a la embajada o consulado americano que corresponda. Por otro lado, los ciudadanos americanos y los residentes permanentes legales que se encuentran en uno de los estados de EE.UU., pueden viajar a Puerto Rico con un documento que les permita embarcar, pudiendo utilizar sus licencias de manejar, si asã lo desean. En cuanto a los extranjeros con visa vigente que se encuentran en Estados Unidos y desean viajar a la isla, debern llevar sus pasaportes. Para evitar problemas, los estudiantes internacionales con visas F o M y aquellas personas con visa de intercambio (J-1) deben llevar los documentos adicionales que muestran que la visa est vigente, tipo I-20. Por à ºltimo, los indocumentados deberã an intentar evitar volar a Puerto Rico, incluso aquellos que tienen un documento vlido para volar domã ©sticamente en Estados Unidos. La razã ³n es que se sobrevuelan aguas internacionales y se han reportado casos de problemas en vuelos de esas caracterã sticas, como los que comunican Alaska y Hawaii con los 48 estados contiguos. Otros territorios de EE.UU. en los que aplican sus leyes migratorias Estados Unidos es un paã s government compuesto por 50 estados. Los dos à ºltimos en unirse fueron Hawaii y Alaska. Los nacidos en esos territorios child, al mismo tiempo, ciudadanos y nacionales. Puerto Rico no es el à ºnico territorio de Estados Unidos. Guam, las Marianas del Norte o las Islas Vã rgenes Americanas child otros ejemplos, los allã nacidos child ciudadanos americanos. Tambiã ©n los nacidos en cualquiera de esas islas child ciudadanos y nacionales de EE.UU. Sin ban, las personas nacidas en los territorios americanos de Samoa child solo nacionales. Aunque tienen pasaporte de EE.UU. y pueden vivir y trabajar en los 50 estados sin ningã ºn tipo de lã mite, quienes viven en dichos estados no pueden ni votar ni ser elegidos en elecciones. En Guam, Islas Vã rgenes Americanas, las Marianas del Norte y Samoa aplican las leyes migratorias de Estados Unidos, como sucede en Puerto Rico. EE.UU. tiene, adems, otros 11 territorios que se encuentran en el Pacã fico y en el Caribe, pero no estn habitados continuamente ni tienen poblaciã ³n nativa, entre los que destacan el atolã ³n Palmyra y las islas Midway y Wake. Este es un artã culo informativo. No es asesorã a lawful.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Issues of risk Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Issues of hazard - Essay Example At circumstances where family circumstances are not discovered safe for the prosperity of youngsters, the framework assumes an exceptionally basic job of expelling the kids from a circumstance including hazard. The framework recognizes situations where there is eminent danger of disregard or misuse and suitable mediations are thought of. There are different situations where such moves are made which incorporate the incapacity or sickness of the guardians prompting their failure to deal with their kids. The proceeded with nonappearance of the guardians at home additionally prompts youngsters being taken into care. Instances of passings of guardians, detainment and so on are average guides to such a situation. These youngsters are taken into care (TCSW, 2012). The idea of the ââ¬Ëtaking awayââ¬â¢ process is likewise changed by the prerequisite. There are situations where guardians intentionally demand their youngsters to be taken to mind. In some other case they are coercively taken by law. The vast majority of the cases record to this situation, For example, in 2011; around 54% of the announced cases were associated with disregard and misuse (TCSW, 2012). Youngsters who engage in some crime are sent to mind through the adolescent equity framework (TCSW, 2012). Around 73% of the youngsters are dealt with by cultivate carers. A minority of 10% are set up in childrenââ¬â¢s homes; others are raised in private schools (TCSW, 2012). Now and again where potential hazard is recognized the kids are left to live with their folks, notwithstanding, under exacting oversights by social work experts. The way toward bringing a youngster into care includes exacting adherence including a conventional arrangement of law. For both England and Wales the Children Act of 1989 characterizes lawful guidelines and frameworks for bringing youngsters into care. Under the demonstration, each instance of taking into care must be gone before by a court request. Kids could likewise be taken into care if guardians give legitimate agree to
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Crucible Essays (826 words) - Salem Witch Trials, The Crucible
The Crucible Essays (826 words) - Salem Witch Trials, The Crucible The Crucible The decay of Salem's social structure hastened the killings of numerous blameless individuals. Arthur Miller's delineation of the Salem witch preliminaries, The Crucible, bargains with a network that begins appearing as though it is closely knit and church adoring. It turns out that once Tituba begins pointing her finger at the witches, the network begins pointing their fingers at one another. Panic and concealed motivation separate the social structure and afterward everybody must shield themselves from the individuals that they thought were their companions. The congregation, legitimate framework and the harmony of the network kicked the bucket with the goal that youngsters could ensure their families' economic wellbeing. Being disconnected from some other gathering of individuals with various convictions made a church drove Puritan culture that couldn't acknowledge a ton of progress. The congregation was against the demon, simultaneously it was against such things as moving and other untimely acts. The notoriety of the family was critical to the individuals from the network. At the point when the young ladies were found moving in the forested areas, they misled ensure not simply themselves yet the notoriety of their families. They asserted that the fallen angel took them over furthermore, impacted them to move. The young ladies likewise said that they saw individuals from the town remaining with the demon. A people group living in a puritan culture like Salem could without much of a stretch go into a disorderly state and make some troublesome memories managing what they consider to be the biggest type of shrewdness. Salem's agitation caused the network to lose confidence in the profound convictions that they were attempting to carefully implement. The congregation lost a significant number of its parishioners in light of the fact that the enthusiasm of the town was currently on Abigail in light of the fact that individuals needed to realize who was going to be named straightaway. At the point when the congregation was attempting to suspend John Proctor, there were insufficient individuals at chapel to do it. The individuals were getting misdirected so far as to leave a blade stuck in the entryway of their priest's home: Today around evening time, when I open my entryway to leave my housea blade banged to the ground...There is threat for me.(128) were Parris' careful words. With the transport of God dreading for his life there was no more anybody however Abigail to lead the network. The equity framework is intended to ensure the individuals that it serves however during the preliminaries the denounced witch had two options, passing or detainment. The discipline of death was given to all individuals that argued not liable; the other discipline was to concede what's more, go to prison. John Proctor gave his perspective on the equity framework when he said I like not the smell of this 'authority' (29). Also, do you realize that close to 400 are in the correctional facilities from Marblehead to Lynn, and upon my signature?(85) said Danforth, portraying the number of individuals that were in prison on charges of black magic. There were such a large number of individuals executed that Hale remarked there are vagrants meandering from house to house; relinquished dairy cattle howl on the highroads, the smell of spoiling crops hangs everywhere...(130) Salem was transforming into a phantom town. With Abigail controlling the network, the congregation done getting the entire town to petition, and a treacherous lawful framework, it is characteristic that the individuals were in a condition of all out turmoil. The unexplained was brought about by the demon, so a few individuals from Salem utilized the unexplained to further their potential benefit. Mrs. Putnam came clean when she stated, There are wheels inside wheels in this town, and flames inside fires!(26) Mrs. Putnam did her offer of spreading bits of gossip after she heard that the young ladies were flying, so she asked Parris How high did she (Abigail) fly, how high?(11). These bits of gossip happened on the grounds that individuals didn't need any accuse put for to themselves. This 'shifting responsibility elsewhere' made individuals begin battling with each other, for example, Corey charging Putnam of having his little girl blame an inhabitant of black magic so as to get Corey's territory. Abigail utilized her capacity of getting individuals to hear her out furthering her potential benefit when she accused Proctor's life partner of being a witch so Abigail could live with John. This again demonstrates Abigail had control of the
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
The One Thing to Do for Write My Term Paper Cheap
The One Thing to Do for Write My Term Paper Cheap The Most Popular Write My Term Paper Cheap You should select a business that will revise your paper totally free of charge if you're dissatisfied with that. The student should stick to a correct format for it. A great deal of prior Term Paper is needed by the student to compose the Term Paper properly. In case the paper you get is completely unacceptable, the business should give you a refund. With so many cheap paper writing websites, finding the one which will satisfy your expectations is quite hard. Our talented writers can deal with just about any form of writing assignment, in addition to Math and Physics difficulties and a lot more. If you need assistance writing an essay, our crew of talented researchers and writers will make a distinctive paper for your demands. You will have the ability to talk about your research paper requirements and expectations with your writer in order to get the customized document you're expecting to receive. You must find the very best paper writing service that will help in regards to typical essays in addition to Ph.D. and doctoral dissertations with the exact same superior level. There are a lot of varieties of essays, it isn't hard to shed an eye on all your writing assignments. If you're prepared to purchase research. Based on the approach you may want to pursue, there are specific considerations about how to compose a reaction paper to a documentary which you should make. It's possible to either opt to support the arguments or ideas in the movie, or concentrate on disputing them. You have to come up with an idea based on the way in which the documentary touched you. If you don't have time, willingness or inspiration to compose your essay on your own, we're here to provide help. If you don't find out how to begin your essay or where to search for supporting data, we'll be happy to help you. Don't forget that the outline is simply an overview of all of the points which will be contained in your term paper. It is what will make it easy to work within the framework that you have set. The gist of writing with an outline is to permit you work in time. In another situation, you may realize that you have swayed from the original path of your paper. If you really need to be educated then you will need to learn how to express yourself on paper. Understanding that no paper is similar to any other, we've carefully produced a system in which you are able to easily select the kind of paper you need easily. When you're writing your research paper's introduction, you ought to be building it around a particular outline that gives a general review of the paper. The outline of your term paper ought to be a detail analysis of the entire paper. It is a mandatory paper work or project that needs to be written in a correct way in order to pass over to the next term and get a degree. It's not difficult enough how to compose a great term paper. By contrast, a persuasive paper might incorporate all the info listed above, but the paper would likewise suggest a specific candidate. Whatever your reason behind doing so you're able to rely on to receive a high quality paper to you in plenty of time. Who use essay services are made to learn something so as to graduate. Keeping a privacy policy a part of being a responsible web business. The Foolproof Write My Term Paper Cheap Strategy Some of the greatest research paper introduction samples consist of primary resources supporting the argument or research of the issue. An informative paper simply provides the simple info about the matter. You may also earn a list of potential questions that may come up from your term paper topic and think of methods to answer them. There are lots of inexpensive academic term papers written by students of earlier years readily available online you are able to receive a sample to utilize for referencing purposes. You are able to receive a wide variety of university term papers for money. If you're just like me and seem to begin working on the expression paper a day or two before the deadline, you will adore the article. When it has to do with academic papers, at times it can not be possible to fulfill all deadlines and stick to high academic standards. Writing Term Papers properly can't be completed in one day, it takes a fantastic period of time and effort to compose a proper Term Paper.
Friday, May 15, 2020
The components of Corporation Financing in the Economy - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 9 Words: 2615 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Business Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? The major issue arising in the present times, for both management academics and practitioners, relates to the principles which determine corporate successes and failures that is why some organization prosper and grow while other collapse. The often unexpected collapse of large companies during the early 1990s and more recently in 2002 has lead analysts to look for ways of predicting company failure. Corporate failures are common in competitive business environment where market discipline ensures the survival of fittest. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The components of Corporation Financing in the Economy" essay for you Create order Moreover, mismanagement also leads to corporate failure. Predicting corporate failure is based on the premise that there are identifiable patterns or symptoms consistent for all failed firms. Definition According to Altman (1993), there is no unique definition of corporate failure. Corporate failure refers to companies ceasing operations following its inability to make profit or bring in enough revenue to cover its expenses. This can occur as a result of poor management skills, inability to compete or even insufficient marketing. COPORATE FAILURE The models to predict Corporate Failure: Several techniques have been developed to help predict why companies fail. However, these are not accurate and doo not guarantee that the prediction will turn out to be true. These models are The Z-Score, Argenti Model, and the VK model amongst others. Beaver was one of the first researchers to study the prediction of bankruptcy using financial statement data. The established practice for failure prediction is therefore a model based on financial ratio analysis. Published financial reports contain a great deal of information about the company performance and prospects. Therefore, ratio analysis is not preferred for financial accounts interpretation however; it has also played a central role in the development of bankruptcy prediction models. The Altman Model: Z-Score The Z-Score model is a quantitative model developed by Edward Altman, a financial economist and professor at the Leonard N.Stern School of business at New York University in 1968 to predict bankruptcy or fi nancial distress of a business. The Z-score is a multi variate formula that measures the financial health of a company and predicts the probability of bankruptcy within 2 years. This model involves the use of a specified set of financial ratios and a statistical method known as a Multiple Discriminant Analysis. (MDA). The real world application of the Altman score successfully predicted 72% of bankruptcies two years prior to their failure. The model of Altman is based on a linear analysis in which five measures are objectively weighted and summed to arrive at an overall score that then becomes the basis for classification of companies into one of the two a priori groupings that is bankrupt or non- bankrupt. These five indicators were then used to derive a Z-Score. These ratios can be obtained from corporations financial statements. COPORATE FAILURE The five Z-score constituent ratios are: 1. Working Capital/Total Assets (WC/TA):- a firm with negative working capital i s likely to experience problems meeting its short-term obligations. 2. Retained Earnings/Total Assets: Companies with this ratio high probably have a history of profitability and the ability to stand up to a bad year of losses. 3. Earnings Before Interest Tax/ Total Assets: An effective way of assessing a firms ability to profit from its assets before things like interest and tax are deducted. 4. Market Value of Equity/ Total Liabilities: A ratio that shows, if a firm were to become insolvent, how much the companys market value would decline before liabilities exceed assets. 5. Sales/Total Assets: A measure of how management handles competition and how efficiently the firm uses assets to generate sales. Based on the Multiple Discriminant Analysis, the general model can be described in the following form: Z=1.2WC/TA + 1.4 RE/TE + 33 EBIT/TA + 0.6 MVE/TL + 1.0 SL/TA Altman (1968) found that companies having a Z-Score greater than 2.99 clearly f ell into the non- bankrupt category, while companies having a Z-Score below 1.81 were all bankrupt. The area between 1.81 and 2.99 was defined as the zone of ignorance because of the susceptibility to inaccurate classification. Z-Score Probability of Failure Less than 1.8 very High Greater that 1.81 but less than 2.99 Not Sure Greater than 3.0 Unlikely Calculation of the Z-Score for a fictitious company where the different values are given to calculate the Z-Score. Sales 25,678 Total Assets 49,579 Total liabilities 5,044 Retained earnings 177 Working Capital -1,777 Earnings before interest and tax 2,605 Market value of Equity 10,098 Book value of Total Liabilities A Type 1 failure characterises the failure of newly formed and therefore mainly small companies. Whereas, Type 2 is characterised by the presence of a very ambitious, charismatic and active manager with an outstanding personality. Due to his over ambition the company is brought down. These failure types can occur to young organisations, but they usually survive longer than Type1 companies. Type 3 failures only occur to mature companies that have been operating successful over a fair number of years and that often are of a major social and economic importance to the community. The largest characteristic of Type 3 companies is its insensitivity towards changes in the environment, whereas the world around it is changing with its environment. Symptoms of corporate failure There are three classic symptoms of corporate failure. These are namely: 1. Low profitability 2. High gearing 3. Low liquidity Each of these three symptoms may be indicated by trends in the companys accounts. Symptoms are interrelated. The classic path to corporate failure starts with the company experiencing low profitability. This may be indicated by trends in the ratios for: ÃÆ'à ¢Ã ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬Ãâà ¢ Profit margin ÃÆ'à ¢Ã ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬Ãâà ¢ Return on Capital Expenditure ÃÆ'à ¢Ã ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬Ãâà ¢ Return on Net Assets A downward trend in profitability will raise the issue of whether and for how long the company can tolerate a return on capital that is below its cost of capital. If profitability problems become preoccupying, the failing of the company may seek additional funds and working capital by increasing its borrowings, whether in the form of short term or long-term debt. This increases the companys gearing, since the higher the proportion of borrowed funds, the higher the gearing within the capital structure. The increased debt burden may then aggravate the situation, particularly if the causes of the decreasing profitability have not been resolved. The worsening profit situation must be used to finance an increased burden of interest and capital repayments. In the case of a publicly quoted company, this means that fewer and fewer funds will be available to finance dividend payments. It may become impossible to obtain external credit or to raise further equity funds. Confidence in the company as an investment may wither away leaving the share price to collapse. If the company is sound, for instance, but ineptly managed, the best that can be hoped for is a takeover bid for what may be now a significantly undervalued investment. At this point, a company may not be really failing but unfortunately, more often rescue attempts are not mounted. This may be because the companys management does not recognize the seriousness of the situation, or is by now too heavily committed or too frightened to admit the truth to its stakeholders, when refinancing is attempted profits fail to cover payments leading to a cash flow crisis. CAUSES OF CORPORATE FAILURE AND THEIR EXAMPLES: Technological causes Traditional methods of doing work have been turned upside down by the development of new technology. If within an industry, there is failure to exploit information technology and new production technology, the firms can face serious problems and ultimately fail. By using new technology, cost of production can be reduced and if an organization continues to use the old technology and its competitors start using the new technology; this can be detrimental to that organization. Due to high cost of production, it will have to sell its products at higher prices than its competitors and this will consequently reduced its sales and the organization can serious problems This situation was seen in the case of Mittal Steel Company taking over Arcelor Steel Company. Arcelor Steel Company was using its old technology to make steel while Mittal Steel Company was using the new technology and as a result, Mittal Steel Company was able to sell steel at lower price than Arcelor Steel Company d ue to its low cost of production. Arcelor Steel Company was approaching corporate failure and luckily, Mittal Steel Company merged with Arcelor Steel Company and became ArcelorMittal Steel Company, thus preventing Arcelor from failure. Working capital problems Organizations also face liquidity problems when they are in financial distress. Poor liquidity becomes apparent through the changes in the working capital of the organization as they have insufficient funds to manage their daily expenses. Businesses, which rely only on one large customer or a few major customers, can face severe problems and this can be detrimental to the businesses. Losing such a customer can cause big problems and have negative impact on the cash flows of the businesses Economic distress 7 COPORATE FAILURE A turndown in an economy can lead to corporate failures across a number of businesses. The level of activity will be reduced, thus affecting negatively the performance of firms in several industries. This cannot be avoided by businesses. The recent economic crisis in the USA led to many cases of corporate failures. One of them is the insurance AIG insurance company. It is facing serious problems and it might close its door in the near future. COPORATE FAILURE MISMANAGEMENT Inadequate internal management control or lack of managerial skills and experience is the cause of the majority of company failures. Some managers may lack strategic capability i.e. to recognize strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of a given business environment. These managers tend to take poor decisions, which may have bad consequences afterwards. Furthermore, managers of different department may not have the ability to work closely together. There are dispersed department objectives, each department will work for their own benefits not towards the goal of the company. This will bring failure in the company. One example can be WorldCom, where the finance and legal functions were scattered over several states and communication between these departments were poor. OVER-EXPANSION AND DIVERSIFICATION Research has shown that dominant CEO is driven by the ultimate need to succeed for their own personal benefits. They neglect the objective set for the company and work for their self- interest. They want to achieve rapid growth of the company to increase their status and pay level. They may do so by acquisition and expansion. The situation of over expansion may arise to the point that little focus is given to the core business and this can be harmful as the business may become fragment and unfocused. In addition, the companies may not understand the new business field. Enron and WorldCom can be an example for this situation where the managers did not understand how growing overcapacity would influence its investment and therefore did not comprehend the risks associated with it. FRAUD BY MANAGEMENT Management fraud is another factor responsible for corporate collapse. Ambitious managers may be influenced by personal greed. They manipulate financial statements and accounting reports. Managers are only interested in their pay checks and would make large increase in executive pay despite the fact that the company is facing poor financial situation. Dishonest managers will attempt to tamper and falsify business records in order to fool shareholders about the true financial situation of the company. These fraudulent acts or misconduct could indicate a serious lack of control. These frauds can lead to serious consequences: loss of revenue, damage to credibility of the company, increased in operating expenses and decrease in operational efficiency. POORLY STRUCTURED BOARD Board of Directors is handpicked by CEO to be docile and they are encouraged by executive pay and generous benefits. These directors often lack the necessary competence and may not control business matters properly. These directors are often intimated by dominant CEO and do not have any say in decision making. Example Enron and WorldCom where poorly structured board was a contributor towards their failure Financial distress Firms that become financially distressed are found to be under- performing relative to the other companies in their industry. Corporate failure is a process rooted in the management defects, resulting in poor decisions, leading to financial deterioration and finally corporate collapse. Financial distresses include the following reasons also low and declining profitability, investment Appraisal, Research and Development and technical insolvency amongst others. A firm may fail, as its returns are negative or low. A firm that consistently reports operating losses probably experiences a decline in market value. If the firm fails to earn a return greater than its cost of capital, it can be viewed as having failed. Falling profits have an obvious link with both financial and bankruptcy as the firm finds it is not generating enough money to meet its obligations as they fall due. Political and legal causes also can affect organisations. New legislation for example on product safety s tandards or pollution controls, can affect a companys main products. The imposition of a complete ban on an organisations product might be damaging and lead the firm to loses. The Tobacco industries are at present faced with the prospect of a ban on advertising for their product. Another cause that will lead the company to fail is the investment appraisal. Many organizations run into difficulties as they fail to appraise investment projects carefully. The long- term nature of many projects means that outcomes are difficult to forecast and probabilities are usually subjective. Big project gone wrong is a common cause of decline. For example the acquisition of a loser company. This has happen in the case for the failure of Parmalat Co Ltd of Italy, which made the acquisition of several losses making company. Inappropriate evaluation of the acquired company, its strengths and weaknesses. COPORATE FAILURE Preventing corporate failures It is a fact that some companies perform well and that some underperform and some fails. In many, if not most cases, these companies are led by executives that are quite experienced. Below are some recommendations that can help to reduce the risk of failures of organisations: Appointment of non-executive directors The non-executive directors will bring their special expertise and knowledge on strategies, innovative ideas and business planning of the organization. They will monitor the work of the executive management and will help to resolve situations where conflict of interest arises. Overall, the non-executive directors will act as a Cross Check. Audit committees Very often, there is occurrence of fraud in management and financial reporting. The presence of the audit committees will help to resolve this problem. Audit committees have the potential to reduce the occurrence of fraud by creating an environment where there is both discipline and control. Code of ethics Corporate governance is based on enterprise and integrity. Directors of companies need to do their jobs with good faith and in the interest of the company. There must be a relationship of honesty, openness and fairness between the stakeholders. Development of environment learning mechanism Some organizations fail because they lose touch with their environment. Therefore, to counter this problem, there is a need to develop the environmental learning mechanism. Through it, new information can be brought on continuous basis. This is mainly done by carrying customer- feedback surveys. In this way, the organisation can realign itself with the new needs and challenges. Focus on research and development Organizations can generate new knowledge by investing and focusing more on research and development. Thus, there will be more ideas how to make the products much better than that of their competitors. Conclusion It can be deducted that a director has a big responsibility that he has to assume The recommendations mentioned above can help directors to reduce corporate failure, provided that the directors abide. Proper planning also is critical to the success of a business.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Liberal Side Of The Immigration Debate - 1013 Words
The liberal side of the immigration debate supports legal immigration, increasing the number of legal immigrants permitted to enter the U.S. each year, and blanket amnesty for current illegal immigrants. Liberals believe that regardless of how they came to the U.S., illegal immigrants deserve things like U.S. government financial aid for college tuition and visas for spouse/children to come to the U.S. They believe that families shouldnââ¬â¢t be separated and that many illegal immigrants do the jobs that the average American does not want to do (Primeaux). The liberals are also strongly against laws such as Arizonaââ¬â¢s SB 1070 and believe that such laws only encourage racial profiling and are unconstitutional. Democrats (who are generally more liberal) believe that a comprehensive immigration reform is essential to fixing our broken immigration system. If a proper reform is put in place, it will help to continue the tradition of innovation that immigrants have brought to the American economy, and held to ensure a level playing field for American workers. President Obama has recently stepped in to try and create a solution. In November 2014, President Obama announced executive action offering deportation relief for up to five million undocumented immigrants who are contributing to their communities. The Presidential order also focuses on cracking down on illegal immigration at the border and ensuring that immigrants who live here pay taxes ( Liberals believe inShow MoreRelatedEssay on Australian Multiculturalism and Immigration1397 Words à |à 6 Pagesamongst all major political parties surrounding immigration and national security. Australiaââ¬â¢s Immigration policy was initially established off two main driving forces- a need to industrialise and a need to populate. Initially Immigration policy was largely a derivative of racial prejudice, supporting ââ¬ËWhite supremacyââ¬â¢ and the creation of a solely British Society. Such ideologies were formalised through the ââ¬ËWhite Australia Policyââ¬â¢, the Immigration Restriction Act (1901) and the underpinning philosophyRead MoreImmigration Reform Of The United States1516 Words à |à 7 Pagescomprehensive immigration reform, to me and to my caucus, than to win the election in Novemberâ⬠(Foley, 2014). That was what Joe Garcia was trying to accomplish with his policy H.R. 15. The policy did not improve the sponsorââ¬â¢s chances of being reelected because his ideas in the spectrum were more towards the liberal side than the conservative. As Florida being a red state, a Republican candidate won the election. 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The country has become visibly divided over emotionally charged topics such as: abortion, gay marriage, gun-control, and healthcare. Many Americans have chosen sides in a polarized debate which pins conservative traditionalists against liberal progressives over the direction of Americaââ¬â¢s future. One topic which has not received as much attention as the rest, yet potentially has the largest impact on the common AmericanRead MoreAnalysis Of No, Our Immigration System Is Not Broken By Byron York855 Words à |à 4 PagesOur Immigration System Is Not Brokenâ⬠, the author, Byron York, argues the effectiveness of the United Statesââ¬â¢ immigration process. He firmly makes it apparent in his article by stating how the United Statesââ¬â¢ immigration system is working without any flaws whatsoever. As a result, I believe his article would certainly be suited for UTAââ¬â¢s newspaper The Shorthorn. Although UTAââ¬â¢s The Shorthornâ⠬â¢s audience mainly consists of college students, most college students identify themselves as liberals ratherRead MoreImmigration Policies Of The United Arab Emirates982 Words à |à 4 Pageshave very limited opportunities within the sphere of immigration policies. A few examples are Italy, Japan and United Arab Emirates. Now that being said all of these places arenââ¬â¢t necessarily unfavorable places for immigrants, they are just found to still hold restricting policies. These policies include paying money for immigrants to leave, detaining them, and refusing rights. Through all established immigration policies there is heavy debate and controversy, but itââ¬â¢s usually pretty easy to agreeRead MoreAfter The Recent Election, Society Is More Concerned About2024 Words à |à 9 Pages society is more concerned about immigrants that are entering the United States. Almost everyday media is covering a new story about immigrants. There are a lot of mix feelings about the news provided. Some agree with anti-immigration policies and some not. Illegal immigration has a massive impact on the United States economy, natural resource and the national health system. Sending these people back require a lot of funds and time. The media and people are focused on illegal immigrants more thanRead MoreHumanities Questions and Answers1043 Words à |à 4 Pages Q1. Take and defend a position in the debate around Webers Protestant Ethic Thesis. According to Max Weber, the Protestant Revolution was a significant ideological development in the history of capitalism, not simply religion. The idea that salvation could be attained by works of the faith alone enabled people to separate their economic, secular life from their private religious life. Contrary to medieval belief, religious vocations were no longer considered superior to economic vocations
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Physical Distribution and Logistics Method
Question: Discuss about the Physical Distribution and Logistics Method. Answer: Introduction A distribution channel is a path on a way through which goods and services move until it reaches the consumer. Distribution channels are of different length. Some of the distribution channels can be short such as direct transactions from the producer to the consumer while others can be long involving many other intermediaries like retailers, distributors or wholesalers, agents among others. Distribution systems where the goods or services reaches the consumer without any middleman are called direct distribution, while in cases where the goods or services leave the producer but passes through intermediaries before reaching the consumer are called indirect systems. Distribution can also be said to be business-to-business distribution when one business interacts with another to carry out commercial business or can be business-to-consumer distribution when the producer transacts with the consumer (Krause 2007, pp 528-545). There are many challenges that face distribution channels. Some of these problems are major while others are minor. Examples of the significant operational challenges faced by these distribution channels include market regulations for different goods and services, the effects of labor conditions for various markets in the world, the cost of managing the various distribution channels among many others. Every business organization should work to understand and have a way to regulate or curb these problems for the smooth business operation. Failure to have an established strategy to handle these challenges will reduce the profitability of the organization and therefore reduce organizations competitive advantage (Partridge, 2010). Cost as a challenge faced by distribution channel Many business groups have come to a realization that most of the traditional distribution channels are not working for them, mostly because these channels have become so costly to the companies. In addition, these traditional approaches have added very little value to the business enterprise. Therefore, they neither meet most of the needs of the customers nor handle the manufacturers needs and expectations. This reduces the business profitability and reduces its competitive advantage of these business organizations (Baird et al. 2011). Reduction of the distribution channel cost is an important aspect of consideration for every business organization. They should, therefore, look for ways to achieve this. Organizations should be vigilant enough to identify and innovatively use the possible available channel options that are cost effective to the business group (Gartner 2013a). Use of the traditional distribution channel approaches has become obsolete, and an organization which does not explore new innovative options for the channel distribution is likely to lose its competitive advantage. It is, therefore, clear that every manufacture needs a fresh new template guide to lead them through exploring of the available distribution channel options (Dittmann 2012). Many business organizations have been presented with distribution channels coming as complete distribution channel packages. Businesses, therefore, have options to choose the package that seems appropriate to them in consideration of the firm situational factors. The options can be direct sales to the consumers, use of manufacturers representatives in the distribution channel, use of wholesalers and distributors, and even the retailers among others (Sweeney 2011, pp 30-48). Every package operates in a different way, and therefore business organizations always evaluate the most appropriate package depending on the context of the operation, the industry itself, the situation among other factors. There have been little possibilities for the organizations to make changes in the existing distribution channel packages. This has therefore made business organizations to consider traditional approaches perfect and have not made enough efforts to understand and evaluate the distribution channe l costs and value derived out of it (Stock Boyer 2009, pp 690711). The best way to evaluate the cost and value brought to the business organization by any distribution channel option is through a keen identification of the activities done by a given particular channel, find out the costs of performing activities and then comparing those actions with the values and needs of the consumer (Bradley 2013, pp 10051022). This will, therefore, help the manufacturers to be able to compare the kind of activities performed by an individual channel, the amount of cost incurred and see the value derived out of it. With this evaluation, the manufacturers will be able to identify the best channels that are efficient and cost effective o the organizations. How to reduce cost of distribution channels Every organization that wants to get more profit will always try to cut down the costs. Cost reduction in distribution channels lies around quality and process improvement. This is the only sure way of reducing the expenses incurred in the distribution process (Lawson 2008, pp 446-460). Every business organizations management should not view their company to be composed of organization units or solid entities like marketing unit or sales unit etc., but rather the management should narrow down up to the level of identifying the various activities performed by each unit. This is an inevitable and crucial step in quality and process improvement (Nike 2013). Given the fact that organizations management only gets packages of distribution channels available for them to choose from, identification and analysis of each activity performed by various specific units in an organization is a crucial aspect of consideration. This is because it brings an understanding of the best distribution channel to use regarding efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and value derived from the channel. This, in turn, becomes very useful for the organizations to choose the best channel to use for distribution in a cost-effective way (Coyle 2013). Narrowing down from the organizations subunits means that the organizations management establishes all the activities performed by each unit in the distribution. This will help them to come to an understanding of what is done on the ground and also be able to identify the specific party responsible for performing each particular activity. With this understanding, the company will be able to compare the value derived from each specific activity in comparison to the cost incurred for those activities. With so doing, the company will be able to reduce these costs by smoothening the existing process through narrowing down to the events and making appropriate changes and improvement on what is done or making changes to the party that does each of the particular activity (Institute for Supply Management 2010). A change for improvement in distribution channel process entails the use of innovative ways to replace or improve the various specific activities performed. Use of these creative options will consequently bring an improvement change concerning quality and process. At the moment, most organizations are applying technology in their operation process to improve the process and reduce the distribution channel costs (Gartner 2013b). With the changing world, technology has always been the best option to be integrated into process improvement. It brings efficiency, and also saves reasonable costs as a distribution channel. Organizations should, therefore, embrace technology in the distribution channel process to save on the costs of distribution (Cudahy 2012). Recommendations As a recommendation, the business organization should venture more into the use of technology to improve their distribution process. With the advent of technology, a business can now make more use of text messaging, emails, push notifications, websites among other technologies to smoothen the distribution channel process. E-commerce also plays a significant role in improving business efficiency and cost reduction in channel distribution. Customers can make orders and payments online from wherever they are. These technology integration possibilities, therefore, shows how technology can significantly reduce the costs. Every business organization can, therefore, look into ways of incorporating technology in operation to lower costs in channel distribution and therefore improve on organization's profit income. Conclusions In conclusion, every organization should manage well its logistic and supply chain to ensure that there are no losses incurred in this process. The organizations should understand its operational challenges associated with the channel distribution used. Cost as a problem in channel distribution should be handled effectively. Organizations should look into ways of cost reduction in channel distribution. The basic approach to cost reduction, in this case, is through choosing the right distribution channel depending on the situational factors. In additional to this, organizations should also work out to reduce costs through breaking down channel distribution units into activities and then handling each activity to ensure that the value derived out of each merges with the cost incurred for the particular activity else it is changed. The right application of these concepts can greatly improve the channel distribution process and therefore bring success to the organization. References Baird, N., Kilcourse, B. (2011). Omni-Channel Fulfillment and the Future of the Retail Supply Chain. Retrieved Match 27, 2017, from Bradley, P. (2013) Collaboration bears fruit. CSCMPs Supply Chain Quarterly, 7(2), 3436. Coelho and Easingwood, 2008 F. Coelho, C. Easingwood An exploratory study into the drivers of channel change European Journal of Marketing, 42 (10) (2008), pp. 10051022 Cooke, J. A. (2013) Kimberly-Clark connects its supply chain to the store shelf. DC Velocity, 11(5): 5355. Coyle, J. J., Langley, C. J., Novack, R. A., Gibson, B. J. (2013) Supply Chain Management: A Logistics Perspective. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. Cudahy, G. C., George, M. O., Godfrey, G. R., Rollman, M. J. (2012) Preparing for the unpredictable. Outlook: The Online Journal of High-Performance Business. Retrieved March 27, 2017, from Dittmann, J. P. (2012) Start with the customer! CSCMPs Supply Chain Quarterly. Retrieved March 27, 2017, from Gartner. (2013a) Gartner Announces Rankings of its 2013 Supply Chain Top 25. Retrieved March 27, 2017, from Gartner. (2013b) IT Glossary. Retrieved March 27, 2017, from Institute for Supply Management. (2010) Supply Management Defined. Retrieved March 27, 2017, from Krause, D. R., Handfield, R. B., and Tyler, B. B. (2007). The relationships between supplier development, commitment, social capital accumulation and performance improvement. Journal of Operations Management, pp 528-545. Lawson, B., Tyler, B.B Cousins, P.D. (2008). Antecedents and consequences of social capital on buyer performance improvement. Journal of Operations Management, Vol. 26(3), pp 446-460 Lawson Nike, Inc. (2013) Global Manufacturing. Retrieved March 27, 2017, from Partridge, A. R. (2010) Managing a customer-driven supply chain. Inbound Logistics. Retrieved August, 8, 2013, from Stock, J., Boyer, S. (2009) Developing a consensus definition of supply chain management: A qualitative study. International Journal of Physical Distribution Logistics Management, 39(8), 690711. Sweeney, E. (2011) Towards a unified definition of supply chain management. International Journal of Applied Logistics, 2(3), 3048.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
The Power of Attraction Review Essay Example
The Power of Attraction Review Paper Essay on The Power of Attraction I love books and I prefer difficult, with psychology. The force of attraction was my dish At Emmett their cockroaches in my head, and who does not have them.? Each of us in his own way strange, this is our kind of personality. Were now watching amazing guy and smile, Yes, I, too, sometimes feel their steps when climbing stairs, and sometimes come to mind absurd thoughts It is hidden from prying eyes by buying carrots bundles exclusively in empty shops; it seems to him that he was being constantly watched neighbors. Emmett only eats carrots, his best friend a dog, and the main enemy and denouncer the cat. Hes lying to his psychiatrist that prepares culinary delights, savoring moments of cooking, which never existed. He is sick. Emmett is a real schizophrenic (all symptoms of the disease at a glance). That it has led to the disease? We will write a custom essay sample on The Power of Attraction Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Power of Attraction Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Power of Attraction Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Perhaps it was because Emmett was trying to understand itself, isolated from the society? à «The world was bigger than Emmett had expected, but soon the world I began to crush him. New knowledge is not given protection did not save any study, no trick, not even love. Emmett could not get used to one thing: to live happily, it is constantly running away from life à » However, on the background of mentally ill people in the clinic , he seems to be the normal and reasonable .. One can not help you start thinking à «Emmett quite ordinary person to the brink of madness it brought thoughts about yourself, not about their place in society, and the only mystery of life and death of his mother, -. the closest . and such a distant person Emmett can approach it only by feeling of weightlessness, gravity, and hes looking for it everywhere, feeling its lightness lean body; riding on the Ferris wheel; remembering the ride from my childhood; asking the question to his brother, to which there is no answer. The Power of Attraction Review Essay Example The Power of Attraction Review Paper Essay on The Power of Attraction I love books and I prefer difficult, with psychology. The force of attraction was my dish At Emmett their cockroaches in my head, and who does not have them.? Each of us in his own way strange, this is our kind of personality. Were now watching amazing guy and smile, Yes, I, too, sometimes feel their steps when climbing stairs, and sometimes come to mind absurd thoughts It is hidden from prying eyes by buying carrots bundles exclusively in empty shops; it seems to him that he was being constantly watched neighbors. Emmett only eats carrots, his best friend a dog, and the main enemy and denouncer the cat. Hes lying to his psychiatrist that prepares culinary delights, savoring moments of cooking, which never existed. He is sick. Emmett is a real schizophrenic (all symptoms of the disease at a glance). That it has led to the disease? We will write a custom essay sample on The Power of Attraction Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Power of Attraction Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Power of Attraction Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Perhaps it was because Emmett was trying to understand itself, isolated from the society? à «The world was bigger than Emmett had expected, but soon the world I began to crush him. New knowledge is not given protection did not save any study, no trick, not even love. Emmett could not get used to one thing: to live happily, it is constantly running away from life à » However, on the background of mentally ill people in the clinic , he seems to be the normal and reasonable .. One can not help you start thinking à «Emmett quite ordinary person to the brink of madness it brought thoughts about yourself, not about their place in society, and the only mystery of life and death of his mother, -. the closest . and such a distant person Emmett can approach it only by feeling of weightlessness, gravity, and hes looking for it everywhere, feeling its lightness lean body; riding on the Ferris wheel; remembering the ride from my childhood; asking the question to his brother, to which there is no answer.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Ellyday Essays
Ellyday Essays Ellyday Essay Ellyday Essay The one is called Eely and the other girl name is Sophie. Its all starts one Sunday morning and it is nearly Christmas time. Sophie walks into Ells room and notice that Eely is very nervous and cant speak normally and also looks physically weak. Then Sophie says to Eely that she knows, but Eely pretends that she doesnt know want Sophie is talking about. Sophie tries to get Eely to sit down on the sofa with her, but Eely ignores it and starts looking at her CDC instead. She can see that Ells hands are shaking. Then Sophie asks Eely to pull up her Jumper. Sophie says to Eely that she knows that she hasnt been eating for a long while now. But Eely says to Sophie that she Is Just Jealous, because she Is skinner then Sophie. Eely begins to cry and sits on the floor. Eely asks Sophie when Is It okay to die. And Sophie doesnt know what to say to that, she Is choked over Ells behavior. Eely pulls up her Jumper and the story ends. 2) Characterize of Eely and Sophie. Eely Is about 16 years old and properly still live by her parents, as a single child. We dont hear anything about her family and I dont think the mother and father take a big interest in her live. Eely has anorexia but she will not allow her self to see that. She is very skinny, pale and almost looks like a match. She is talking about, when it is okay to die with Sophie and that must be a sign of suicidal tendencies, I think. She feels like nobody in the world understands her, because they cant see that she is to fat from her point of view. Sophie We dont hear so much about Sophie in the story, other then that she wants to help her friend with her problem. She several times tries to connect with Eely, but without any luck. She sounds like a nice, considerate, loving friend for Alley. But maybe Sophie really deep down dont know, Eely as good as she think she does. Meaninglessly: Allayed by Martin The short story Allayed is about the feeling of inferiority due to physical abnormality, and how this conveys itself in a relationship between two female friends. The story begins right on, without an introduction. One senses that the situation, which takes place between two girls in one of their rooms, is awkward and that a conflict is waiting ahead. One of them is the accuser, and the other one the accused. The two of them are friends, Sophie (the accuser) is nervous on behalf of Ells (the accused) health condition, and wants to convince her to stop loosing weight. It Is described how Eely, supposedly due to her condition, is having trouble doing elementary things such as seeing and talking, as If her blood Isnt able to run through her body. The author is letting the reader know that Sophie Is sincere, and In good will, when making this confrontation. Eely, however, Is convinced that she Is doing It out of sheer Jealousy, because of the way their roles are now changed. Earlier Eely had been the fat one, and Sophie the skinny one. Eely seems to have a damaged reception of her surroundings, specifically the meaning and value of physical Ideals. Her former overweight had such a negative Impact on her self-confidence, that she developed self-destructive behavior. Her perception of looks has nothing to do with feeling well (or to a certain degree, It seems, even looking beautiful), but exclusively with belong thin, in a directly obsessed way. Being In a condition which some people (and seemingly society in general) would define as physical sickness, leads in her case to an actual Lasses, a mental Lassoer AT some Kina (broadly allele an dating disorder). In the end, Eely asks Sophie When is it okay to die? , and whether it would be k to die without having tried the things she think her looks had previously prevented her from trying, such as kissing a boy or being loved. What this shortstops embodies, is the way the negative effects of suppressing fat people (and looks not sticking to the common ideals in general) are likely to be of greater danger than the disorder itself. In Ells case, it even provokes mental disorders which leads to physical problems in opposite proportions to her former condition. The very idea of unconditionally) considering obesity a disease, might as well be influenced by various industries, than by objective scientific investigations. An example very alike, is described in the article Beauty and the breast printed in Ms. Magazine. It gives a preliminary outline of the history of the breast implants, and depicts the way American society of Plastic and reconstructive surgeons in the skies decreed that having small breasts was a sickness. A perfect example showing that beauty is a subjective measurement, and that overweight isnt necessarily a physical problem, is n article by Jeffrey Kluges called can you be fat and healthy? . It depicts the story of 50 year old Kelly bliss who is officially in healthier physical conditions than most slim people, despite the fact that with her nearly 200 pounds, she would actually be categorized obese. Mentally, Kelly is obviously very happy about the way she looks, and apparently her weight doesnt prevent her from doing what she wants to do either. Im guessing that the 30% of the American population who is considered obese according to the article, maybe isnt as comfortable with their condition as Kelly is. Of course one can say that everyone should be happy with the way they look, but, whether it is only the case in our western world, or also among other cultures I dont know, it seems to be inconsistent with human nature. I think its safe to say, that in the same way our society transforms each individual into a product, the importance of being able to sell oneself on the basis of appearance, is increasing. Therefore it takes increasingly more willpower to stand against the broadly accepted ideals, and to believe that you can compete with others while not exactly fulfilling the demands given by these ideals.
Monday, February 24, 2020
Language Development Hypotheses Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Language Development Hypotheses - Term Paper Example r bilingualism affects intellectual development since as early as the 1920 when Saer (1923) and Smith (1923) executed numerous studies on the topic since then have attempted to determine whether monolingual and bilingual children differ in intelligence as measured by standard tests. Many of these investigators found out that bilingualism has a considerable effect on intellectual functioning. Nowadays bilingualism is tightly attached to intelligence. However, until the year 1962 due to many factors of which we can highlight racism, Bilingualism was considered as a problem see a handicap that prevents the child from adapting with his school mates and gives him an introverted character. Early studies showing bilingual children to be ââ¬Å"handicappedâ⬠in speech development and academic achievement happened when they analyzed childrenââ¬â¢s intelligence without taking in consideration their socio-economical status. In fact most of the studies that proved that multilingualism hampered the childââ¬â¢s development were made on children coming from very low class environments and therefore suffering from dissatisfaction of their physical needs. These children are logically not scholarly advanced due to the preceding circumstances that out shadow the advantages offered by being bilingual. One of the most important researchers in that matter, O Doherty, (1958) suggests that it is necessary in any consideration of the influence of bilingualism on intelligence to distinguish between two types of bilinguals, genuine bilinguals and pseudo bilinguals. The pseudo bilingual knows one language more than the other and doesnââ¬â¢t use the second language in communic ation, the genuine bilingual masters both at an early age and feels comfortable communicating with both languages. When researchers distinguished between fluent bilinguals, they found out that fluent bilingual children develop more flexible mental capacities and frequently out-perform limited bilinguals of the same national
Saturday, February 8, 2020
Air Legislation - the Shell Model in Analyzing Human Factors in the Assignment
Air Legislation - the Shell Model in Analyzing Human Factors in the Aviation System - Assignment Example The model is derived from the initial letters of its components which are: software, hardware, environment and liveware. It places great emphasis on the human element and the role they play in the execution of duties and the interaction with other interfaces. Since the human being is mainly the cause of most accidents within the aviation system, the model looks at several factors that interact with the operators to cause system failure and affect performance (Cacciabue, 2004). The major elements in the model relate to hardware, software, the environment and liveware. There are four forms of interfaces. The L-H interface is the interaction between the human operator and the machines in the aviation system. It relates to the match of human characteristics with the equipment and tools such as designing controls to correspond to sensory or designing seats to match the human bodies of passengers. The design of displays and controls should indicate proper information that can be easily understood by people so as to reduce the occurrence of errors. Secondly is the L-S interface whose main role is to provide a link between the liveware and the software. It involves the formulation of software that matches the human users and ensuring that it is possible to implement it. Thirdly is the L-E interface which forms the link between the liveware and the environment. Human operators interact with both internal and external environment and therefore are able to adapt to v arious situations. Lastly is the L-L interface which relates to links between the central human operator and any other person in the system for execution of activities (HELMREICH, 1991). The aircraft in this incident was on route to Lanzarote airport in the Canary Islands from East Midlands the plane which had been subjected to Boroscope Inspections the previous night had not been refitted which resulted to loss of almost all the oil on the flight and the consequential shutdown of bothà engines during landing.à The crew had to divert to Luton airport due to loss of oil and oil pressure on both engines.Ã
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Factors to Determine Ethical Behavior Essay Example for Free
Factors to Determine Ethical Behavior Essay Scott: I couldnââ¬â¢t agree more. And nowhere is this more evident than in corporate America. We see ethics at play all the time, with Bernie Madoff and his Ponzi scheme, the Enron scandal, Exxon, BP, and many, many more examples. Ethical behavior can make or break a company. Diane: Sure, I remember people passing up Exxon stations after the Valdez accident several years ago; same with the BP oil spill. Boycotts against companies happen all the time if they forget they have to be good corporate citizens, in addition to turning a profit. Scott: I think the issue here, in a discussion of ethics though, is what determines ethical and unethical behavior. Can we give people any kind of a framework that might help to easily determine what is seen as correct behavior and what needs changing in a corporate setting? Diane: Of course! And while none of these ideas are foolproof, in general, they cover the majority of signs or problems to look out for and be aware of. You have to look at the individual employeeââ¬â¢s stage of moral development, their individual characteristics, the structure of the company, the company culture and then look at how big the issue itself really is. Scott: Well, Iââ¬â¢m interested in a few concepts that Iââ¬â¢ve never really heard of before. Talk to us a little about ââ¬Å"the stages of moral development.â⬠Diane: Gladly. There are three levels inherent in moral development. You have the pre-conventional level, which deals with consequences from the outside dictating moral behaviorâ⬠¦ Scott: So, an example might be my grandfather, whoà always talked about the nuns who taught at his Catholic school breaking out the rulers. That would be pre-conventional, right? Diane: Exactly. Itââ¬â¢s all about how outside punishment or reward affects the choices people make between what is right and what is wrong. Scott: So, if thatââ¬â¢s pre-conventional, Iââ¬â¢m betting that the second level is conventional, then. People just living up to the standards of society ââ¬â what other people believe for the most part is right and wrong. Diane: That is it exactly, and that leads to the third level, which is the principled level. This is beyond responding to an outside stimulus or to our own notions of what others believe is right and wrong. At the principled level, people now look inside themselves and make a determination removed from all those other factors affecting what they believe is right or wrong behavior. Scott: Well, that does make a lot of sense. So then, what are the individual characteristics that can have an influence on moral behavior? Diane: Values and personality are the two things that govern these individual characteristics. A personââ¬â¢s individual values begin developing during childhood and continue to develop through experiences, discussions with other people and interactions with family, friends, teachers, religious figures, and others. A personââ¬â¢s value system is very broad and includes many different areas. Personality deals more with two specific ideas, that of ego strength and locus of control. Scott: Sure, ego strength influences a personââ¬â¢s convictions. If you have a high degree of ego strength, then moral convictions will be easier to hold. ââ¬Å"Locus of controlâ⬠isnââ¬â¢t a concept Iââ¬â¢m too familiar with though. Diane: A personââ¬â¢s locus of control has to do with fate. Some people believe they have a lot of control in their lives, while others believe that things are left to the wind. Those who have an internal locus of control believe they are in control, while those who have an external locus are more apt to believe that things will happen to them because of fate or luck or mere happenstance. Scott: So I know weââ¬â¢ve talked before about how a company is structured; whether or not it is centralized or decentralized. That plays a significant role as well, correct? Diane: It does, very much so. The more hands touch something, the less likely it is that any strict controls put in place will stick. The less people you have managing a process, the more tightly the controls can be monitored. This of course would be inaccurate if you had, say, one person managing everything who was inherently unethical. Then there would be nobody to call them to account. The structure of a company is a significant factor in the ethical behavior put into practice. Scott: The ethical behavior of individuals is fascinating and all, but what about the ethical behavior of organizational culture? Some companies encourage transparency and ethical behavior at all times. They have realized that openness and honesty are good for the bottom line in the long run and ensure a strong core brand. Other companies may not overtly tell people to act unethically, but have individual ââ¬Å"bad actorsâ⬠inside the corporation who might encourage people to do things they shouldnââ¬â¢t. Diane: Exactly. And we all know examples of this. We hear about chemical companies dumping dangerous waste that contaminates ground water, about cigarette companies lying about how dangerous and addictive their product is, or about banks and the ââ¬Å"robo-signingâ⬠scandal during the last recession. All of these activities, while not necessarily condoned by everyone across the enterprise, were OKââ¬â¢d by certain people within the corporation and seriously damaged the brands involved. Scott: And of course, this is where issue intensity is important, because while we donââ¬â¢t like to admit it, some unethical behaviors are worse or more impactful than others. While all unethical behavior should be avoided, dumping toxic chemicals into water that could kill thousands of people could arguably be seen as worse than, say, an employee who is skimming a few dollars here and there from a company. Both are bad, wrong, and can cause harm, but the characteristicsà that determine issue intensity show us that there are indeed levels of unethical behavior, and they can determine the likelihood of this kind of behavior occurring in the future. Diane: And these characteristics ââ¬â greatness of harm, consensus of wrong, probability of harm, immediacy of consequences, proximity to the victim, and concentration of effect ââ¬â all play a role in determining when and why something unethical might occur. The less these factors play a role, the more likely for fraud or other unethical behavior to occur. If the victim isnââ¬â¢t seen, if the consequences are far in the future, or if the behavior only affects one person, the possibility for unethical behavior is likely to see a jump. Scott: And to talk more about this, weââ¬â¢d like to welcome to the show Scott Hyder, attorney at law. Diane: Hello Scott ââ¬â welcome to our show. Let me ask you, how does ethics play a part with respect to certain professions that require licensing to do business? Scott Hyder: Well, itââ¬â¢s incredibly important particularly in very regulated businesses such as businesses where you need a license. Iââ¬â¢m an attorney and so every attorney has to follow a certain set of ethics guidelines regardless of the state that youââ¬â¢re in. Every state has passed very detailed ethical rules that are approved by the stateââ¬â¢s Supreme Court and itââ¬â¢s not a matter of if, or a matter of choice, or just a matter of morals when following the ethical rules. Itââ¬â¢s a matter about whether your license will be revoked if you donââ¬â¢t and many times youââ¬â¢re violating ethical rules unintentionally; itââ¬â¢s usually NOT an intentionalà thing. It goes anywhere from disclosing client confidences to wrongful accounting practices, even if they are innocent mistakes. So, we really have to be careful as lawyers because if we donââ¬â¢t comply with these rules, all it takes is one clientââ¬â¢s bar complaint to open up the flood gates. A client could complain about poor service from a lawyer, file a complaint with the state bar who regulates all lawyers but, by the end of the day, even if the clientââ¬â¢s complaint about the service of the lawyer is frivolous, the attorney could be sanctioned for other unrelated things that become apparent as a result of the investigation. Itââ¬â¢s very common, for example, for a complaint to be filed but ultimate charges are implemented that have to do with wrongful accounting practices, competence issues and if that kind of thing happens, your license can be suspended and if itââ¬â¢s very egregious, it can be revoked. Scott: Very interesting discussion, Scott, thank you so much for all your time. Diane: And thank you all of you listening. Weââ¬â¢ve appreciated your time and hope that youââ¬â¢ve gained a great deal from this content. Scott: Until next time!
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
The Character of the Curate and Marian in Old Mrs. Chundle by Thomas Ha
The Character of the Curate and Marian in 'Old Mrs Chundle' In Thomas Hardy's short story, 'Old Mrs Chundle', the Curate is a well-respected, well-mannered and considerate man. He is determined to spread the word of God to Mrs Chundle. Mrs Chundle is also a considerate woman. She does not regularly visit the church and lives alone in South Wales. At the beginning of the story, the Curate asks for some lunch from Mrs Chundle. At first Mrs Chundle did not hear the Curate, so he has to repeat what he asked earlier. The Curate is an open man; he is not ashamed of asking food from others and is willing to dine with an old woman. This shows that the Curate is a friendly man and he does not judge people. The Curate strikes up a friendly conversation, which eventually leads to Mrs Chundle lying about visiting the church once a week. Due to this, the Curate thinks he and Mrs Chundle have something in common as ho belongs in the same church, which Mrs Chundle lied about. He hopes to see Mrs Chundle again which shows that the curate has become quite friendly with her and also shows that he is a pleasant man. When the Curate is talking to his rector, he finds out about the lie Mrs Chundle told. His view of Mrs Chundle changes for a short while. He now thinks of her as a wicked woman. In Eudor Welty's short story, 'A Visit Of Charity', Marian is a typical 14-year-old teenager. She is a campfire girl trying to gain a few points by visiting old ladies in an 'Old Ladies Home'. At the beginning of the story, Marian, holding a potted plant, jumps off the bus, stops for a moment besides a prickly dark shrub and then proceeds towards the Old Ladies Home. She says to the nurse at the desk, 'I'm a Campfire girl I ... ...had not avoided her, Mrs Chundle would have had the joy of listening to God's words once more before she had died. Marian had not particularly learnt an important lesson. She is only a young adolescent. The only reason she had visited the old ladies was for a few points. When Marian came out of the Old Ladies Home, the first thing she did was take out her apple from under the bush and took a bite out of it. This shows that Marian was not affected in anyway from her experience with the old ladies. She had not gone to visit the old ladies out of her own choice but only for herself. The Curate had learnt the most from his experience as he showed the signs of confusion, guilt and had to ask for forgiveness from God. Marian had just taken a bite out of her apple as soon as she got out. She showed no signs of sympathy and compassion toward the old ladies.
Monday, January 13, 2020
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Sunday, January 5, 2020
Chinese Popular Religion Essay Chinese Religion - 921 Words
Chinese Popular Religion Essay This last week the world has said goodbye to Mohamad Ali and bid Queen Elizabeth yet another of her 90 years. One might wonder what a Muslim, Catholic and the Dao have in common. Each with their own ideals these two cultural icons have lived in the Dao. ââ¬Å"All humans are part of the cosmic process, the Tao, and are composed of the complimentary forces of yin and yangâ⬠(Lecture 6,2014). To live in the Dao one must revere humanitiesââ¬â¢ bond to humanity by following the five positive human relationships, recognizing and existing in the Ying and Yang by following feng shui of oneââ¬â¢s existence (Lecture 6,2014). This conglomeration of practices has grown throughout history to accommodate many traditions into a social religious and political stew of sorts. The Catholics were not to be left undone, as they participated in influencing the political and religious aspects of the Tang dynasty (Ownby, 2003). Some shared ideals that have become attributions of Catholic and Isl amic influence include harmony, family and society. It is within these guidelines and shared ideals we may reach common understanding and thereby, sustain peace. Our lecture this week taches us that at the center of this synthesis are the five basic relationships of humanityââ¬â¢s bond to humanity and therefor key features of Chinese Popular Religion: 1. The relationship of the sovereign (ruler) and the subject, marked by justice and righteousness 2. The relationship of a parent to aShow MoreRelatedGrand Canyon Int 244 All Assignments1171 Words à |à 5 PagesInformation And For A+ Work Contact US At SPINWOOP@GMAIL.COM GRAND CANYON INT 244 All Assignments Week 1 ââ¬â 8 week 1 Details: In a personal reflection of 1,000 ââ¬â 1,250 words, consider how a Christian might benefit from a study of other religions by addressing the following: 1. 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