Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Sexuality Of Women s Sexuality - 817 Words

There are certainly many different ‘types’ of feminists with varying beliefs on various topics. Pornography is one of the most widely disputed of these topics, and has long caused controversy among feminists. Two clear, and distinctly different, sides have been taken by Andrea Dworkin as well as Linda Williams. The former of these two academics has taken the presumably more controversial stance. Dworkin is known for their radical stance that pornography only paints women as whores, as that is how they are seen in a male dominated world. She also is of the opinion that the depictions of female sexuality is accurate to how women are represented in real life: â€Å"The valuation of women’s sexuality in pornography is objective and real because†¦show more content†¦This quote demonstrates not only Williams’ understanding of female agency but also that female sex workers often exist in contrast to some feminists. Moreover, Williams does acknowledge fe male passivity in traditional porn: â€Å"Women, on the other hand, like slaves and boys, were the passive penetrated, who did not move, who were fucked, and who had no power to abstain† (Williams, 368). Contrastingly to Dworkin, Williams acknowledges how pornography has changed from its conception, both in terms of how it is produced, as well as how the women are valued and portrayed in the industry, as she follows the story of Annie Sprinkle. It is the opinion of this author that Williams more accurately represents pornography than Dworkin. Based on the opinions of many authors explored in this unit, it would seem that the terms ‘pornography’ and ‘feminism’ could be considered antonyms. I am sure that many anti-pornography feminists would sooner turn over in their graves before deciding that the two could be correlated. But is that necessarily true? I personally believe that aspects of feminism can be found everywhere, and can be applied in the st rangest of places. It is for this reason that I believe that pornography has the capability to be feminist, though it rarely is. In its creation, women certainly were passive members who had no agency in their participation nor the consumption of pornography. Pornography was kept hidden and censored out ofShow MoreRelatedWomen s Sexuality And Sexuality1271 Words   |  6 PagesWomen’s sexuality has been anything but stagnant, especially within the last 150 years. The very idea of a woman being a â€Å"sexual being† is relatively modern. For centuries, women have been confined to restrictive behaviors until the rise of the sexual revolution in the 1960’s. This movement gave way to new ideas and attitudes not only about a woman’s role in society but also about their sexual identities. 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