Friday, August 28, 2020
Requisitos para viajar o emigrar a Puerto Rico
Requisitos para viajar o emigrar a Puerto Rico Para viajar o emigrar a Puerto Rico aplican las mismas leyes que para hacerlo an Estados Unidos. Esto es asã porque es un territorio que forma parte de la Commonwealth de ese paã s, aunque no es uno de los 50 estados que conforman la uniã ³n americana.â Este artã culo informa sobre el importante asunto de la ciudadanã a History of the U.S y los puertorriqueã ±os, las consecuencias migratorias derivadas del estatus particular de Puerto Rico, las reglas para viajar a la isla y, finalmente, se hace referencia an otros territorios con estatus comparable al de Puerto Rico. à ¿Sabà a usted? Puerto Rico es un Territorio Libre Asociado de Estados Unidos, conocido como region. Las leyes migratorias de la isla child exactamente las mismas que las de Estados Unidos, tanto para migrantes como para visitantes. Ciudadanã a estadounidense y Puerto Rico Desde su nacimiento, los puertorriqueã ±os tienen pasaporte de los Estados Unidos. Es asã en virtud de la Ley Jones-Shafroth, del 2 de marzo de 1917, que reconoce a los puertorriqueã ±os la ciudadanã a History of the U.S al mismo tiempo que reconoce que tambiã ©n poseen la ciudadanã a puertorriqueã ±a. La excepciã ³n es para aquellas personas - muy pocas-que deciden renunciar a la primera y quedarse sã ³lo con la segunda. La ley permitiã ³ que quien asã lo desease podã a renunciar a la ciudadanã a History of the U.S y conservar sã ³lo la puertorriqueã ±a ya que, como se ha reconocido en varias ocasiones, ambas nacionalidades child diferentes y separadas.à En 1917 menos de 300 personas decidieron conservar sã ³lo la ciudadanã a de la isla. Pero debido al estatus particular de Puerto Rico, los puertorriqueã ±os no votan en las elecciones presidenciales de Estados Unidos ni tienen representaciã ³n de senador ni representante con voto en el Congreso de los Estados Unidos. Sin ban, tasks los puertorriqueã ±os que residen habitualmente en uno de los 50 estados de la uniã ³n, sã pueden hacerlo. Consecuencias migratorias del estatus particular de Puerto Rico Las leyes migratorias de Puerto Rico child, en realidad, las leyes migratorias de Estados Unidos, no roughage otras. Esto tiene las siguientes consecuencias: En preliminary lugar, para emigrar a Puerto Rico roughage que seguir uno de los 29 caminos abiertos para emigrar (green card) an Estados Unidos. Exactamente los mismos. En segundo lugar, como los puertorriqueã ±os child ciudadanos, losâ puertorriqueã ±os pueden pedir a sus esposos extranjeros o a sus novios, tanto si residen en la isla como si viven en uno de los 50 estados de la uniã ³n Yankee folklore o, incluso, en otros territorios, como Samoa, las Islas Vã rgenes Americanas o Guam. En tercer lugar, para viajar como turista o con cualquier tipo de visa no inmigrante a Puerto Rico aplican exactamente las mismas leyes que para Estados Unidos. Absolutamente no feed ninguna diferencia y no es ms fcil que aprueben las visas si el destino es Puerto Rico. Es exactamente igual pedirla cuando el destino es San Juan o cuando es Miami o Nueva York. Viajar a Puerto Rico Las reglas para viajar a Puerto Rico dependen del lugar y, en algunos casos, de la situaciã ³n migratoria de la persona que desea ir a la isla. Asã , en el caso de ser turistas extranjeros que se encuentran fuera de EE.UU., si pertenecen an un paã s del Programa de Exenciã ³n de Visas pueden viajar sin visado por un plazo mximo de 90 dã as, pero es necesaria la ESTA si se llega por aviã ³n. En los dems casos es necesario solicitar una visa de turista standard y acudir a la entrevista a la embajada o consulado americano que corresponda. Por otro lado, los ciudadanos americanos y los residentes permanentes legales que se encuentran en uno de los estados de EE.UU., pueden viajar a Puerto Rico con un documento que les permita embarcar, pudiendo utilizar sus licencias de manejar, si asã lo desean. En cuanto a los extranjeros con visa vigente que se encuentran en Estados Unidos y desean viajar a la isla, debern llevar sus pasaportes. Para evitar problemas, los estudiantes internacionales con visas F o M y aquellas personas con visa de intercambio (J-1) deben llevar los documentos adicionales que muestran que la visa est vigente, tipo I-20. Por à ºltimo, los indocumentados deberã an intentar evitar volar a Puerto Rico, incluso aquellos que tienen un documento vlido para volar domã ©sticamente en Estados Unidos. La razã ³n es que se sobrevuelan aguas internacionales y se han reportado casos de problemas en vuelos de esas caracterã sticas, como los que comunican Alaska y Hawaii con los 48 estados contiguos. Otros territorios de EE.UU. en los que aplican sus leyes migratorias Estados Unidos es un paã s government compuesto por 50 estados. Los dos à ºltimos en unirse fueron Hawaii y Alaska. Los nacidos en esos territorios child, al mismo tiempo, ciudadanos y nacionales. Puerto Rico no es el à ºnico territorio de Estados Unidos. Guam, las Marianas del Norte o las Islas Vã rgenes Americanas child otros ejemplos, los allã nacidos child ciudadanos americanos. Tambiã ©n los nacidos en cualquiera de esas islas child ciudadanos y nacionales de EE.UU. Sin ban, las personas nacidas en los territorios americanos de Samoa child solo nacionales. Aunque tienen pasaporte de EE.UU. y pueden vivir y trabajar en los 50 estados sin ningã ºn tipo de lã mite, quienes viven en dichos estados no pueden ni votar ni ser elegidos en elecciones. En Guam, Islas Vã rgenes Americanas, las Marianas del Norte y Samoa aplican las leyes migratorias de Estados Unidos, como sucede en Puerto Rico. EE.UU. tiene, adems, otros 11 territorios que se encuentran en el Pacã fico y en el Caribe, pero no estn habitados continuamente ni tienen poblaciã ³n nativa, entre los que destacan el atolã ³n Palmyra y las islas Midway y Wake. Este es un artã culo informativo. No es asesorã a lawful.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Issues of risk Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Issues of hazard - Essay Example At circumstances where family circumstances are not discovered safe for the prosperity of youngsters, the framework assumes an exceptionally basic job of expelling the kids from a circumstance including hazard. The framework recognizes situations where there is eminent danger of disregard or misuse and suitable mediations are thought of. There are different situations where such moves are made which incorporate the incapacity or sickness of the guardians prompting their failure to deal with their kids. The proceeded with nonappearance of the guardians at home additionally prompts youngsters being taken into care. Instances of passings of guardians, detainment and so on are average guides to such a situation. These youngsters are taken into care (TCSW, 2012). The idea of the ââ¬Ëtaking awayââ¬â¢ process is likewise changed by the prerequisite. There are situations where guardians intentionally demand their youngsters to be taken to mind. In some other case they are coercively taken by law. The vast majority of the cases record to this situation, For example, in 2011; around 54% of the announced cases were associated with disregard and misuse (TCSW, 2012). Youngsters who engage in some crime are sent to mind through the adolescent equity framework (TCSW, 2012). Around 73% of the youngsters are dealt with by cultivate carers. A minority of 10% are set up in childrenââ¬â¢s homes; others are raised in private schools (TCSW, 2012). Now and again where potential hazard is recognized the kids are left to live with their folks, notwithstanding, under exacting oversights by social work experts. The way toward bringing a youngster into care includes exacting adherence including a conventional arrangement of law. For both England and Wales the Children Act of 1989 characterizes lawful guidelines and frameworks for bringing youngsters into care. Under the demonstration, each instance of taking into care must be gone before by a court request. Kids could likewise be taken into care if guardians give legitimate agree to
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Crucible Essays (826 words) - Salem Witch Trials, The Crucible
The Crucible Essays (826 words) - Salem Witch Trials, The Crucible The Crucible The decay of Salem's social structure hastened the killings of numerous blameless individuals. Arthur Miller's delineation of the Salem witch preliminaries, The Crucible, bargains with a network that begins appearing as though it is closely knit and church adoring. It turns out that once Tituba begins pointing her finger at the witches, the network begins pointing their fingers at one another. Panic and concealed motivation separate the social structure and afterward everybody must shield themselves from the individuals that they thought were their companions. The congregation, legitimate framework and the harmony of the network kicked the bucket with the goal that youngsters could ensure their families' economic wellbeing. Being disconnected from some other gathering of individuals with various convictions made a church drove Puritan culture that couldn't acknowledge a ton of progress. The congregation was against the demon, simultaneously it was against such things as moving and other untimely acts. The notoriety of the family was critical to the individuals from the network. At the point when the young ladies were found moving in the forested areas, they misled ensure not simply themselves yet the notoriety of their families. They asserted that the fallen angel took them over furthermore, impacted them to move. The young ladies likewise said that they saw individuals from the town remaining with the demon. A people group living in a puritan culture like Salem could without much of a stretch go into a disorderly state and make some troublesome memories managing what they consider to be the biggest type of shrewdness. Salem's agitation caused the network to lose confidence in the profound convictions that they were attempting to carefully implement. The congregation lost a significant number of its parishioners in light of the fact that the enthusiasm of the town was currently on Abigail in light of the fact that individuals needed to realize who was going to be named straightaway. At the point when the congregation was attempting to suspend John Proctor, there were insufficient individuals at chapel to do it. The individuals were getting misdirected so far as to leave a blade stuck in the entryway of their priest's home: Today around evening time, when I open my entryway to leave my housea blade banged to the ground...There is threat for me.(128) were Parris' careful words. With the transport of God dreading for his life there was no more anybody however Abigail to lead the network. The equity framework is intended to ensure the individuals that it serves however during the preliminaries the denounced witch had two options, passing or detainment. The discipline of death was given to all individuals that argued not liable; the other discipline was to concede what's more, go to prison. John Proctor gave his perspective on the equity framework when he said I like not the smell of this 'authority' (29). Also, do you realize that close to 400 are in the correctional facilities from Marblehead to Lynn, and upon my signature?(85) said Danforth, portraying the number of individuals that were in prison on charges of black magic. There were such a large number of individuals executed that Hale remarked there are vagrants meandering from house to house; relinquished dairy cattle howl on the highroads, the smell of spoiling crops hangs everywhere...(130) Salem was transforming into a phantom town. With Abigail controlling the network, the congregation done getting the entire town to petition, and a treacherous lawful framework, it is characteristic that the individuals were in a condition of all out turmoil. The unexplained was brought about by the demon, so a few individuals from Salem utilized the unexplained to further their potential benefit. Mrs. Putnam came clean when she stated, There are wheels inside wheels in this town, and flames inside fires!(26) Mrs. Putnam did her offer of spreading bits of gossip after she heard that the young ladies were flying, so she asked Parris How high did she (Abigail) fly, how high?(11). These bits of gossip happened on the grounds that individuals didn't need any accuse put for to themselves. This 'shifting responsibility elsewhere' made individuals begin battling with each other, for example, Corey charging Putnam of having his little girl blame an inhabitant of black magic so as to get Corey's territory. Abigail utilized her capacity of getting individuals to hear her out furthering her potential benefit when she accused Proctor's life partner of being a witch so Abigail could live with John. This again demonstrates Abigail had control of the
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